What'cha Workin' on Wednesday?!?

Happy Wednesday Friends!

Let's take a look at what'cha been workin' on . . . 

Joss restyled this buffet, new paint, new hardware and a natural wood top - beautiful! 

With a 3yr old and a 3 month old at home it's amazing she can get anything done! That's what makes this buffet restyle even more impressive! Way to go moms!! Thanks for sharing this Joss, it looks great!

Can you believe that during nap time Joss also got these two projects under her belt?! (cute painted shelf and mirror)

Thanks again for sharing Joss!

Next up, check out Christine's restyled chair painted in van Gogh's beautiful and vibrant 'Coral Cosmo'! I really love a pop of coral, and I'm actually considering painting out my dining room chairs in our new coral 'Flamango'. What do you think? Should I go for it??

Thanks for sharing Christine - I LOVE it!

I think most of you probably already know how boring this chair looked before this awesome colour, but just in case you can't picture it, let's have a look at the 'before':

Thanks so much for sharing Christine!

Just for fun, lets look at one more brightly restyled piece. This sweet little bookshelf was restyled by Elizabeth using van Gogh's 'Dreams of Provence' - a great purple for any girls room! 

Very Cute! Thanks so much for sharing Elizabeth!

As always, thank YOU for sharing your projects with me - I love showing off all your hard work and creativity!

If you have restyled something in your home using products from Mango Reclaimed and want to be featured on What'cha workin' on Wednesday?!?, please e-mail your before and after pictures to [email protected].

Looking forward to hearing from you!

We love to share what you do!

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