All about beeswax!

Well, hey there!!

It’s Allie here—It’s been a hot minute since I last shared with you!

Our Mango Paint Beeswax Furniture Finish has our customers buzzing (pun intended!) and I am here to break down the facts and myths about beeswax!


If you haven’t heard the news, we recently launched our own Mango Paint line!

Mango Paint is a Canadian made, chalk based paint that is specifically designed to reclaim furniture. This paint imparts a beautiful soft matte finish that is incredibly smooth to the touch. With minimal prep work required, you can breeze right through to the fun part!


The Mango Paint Beeswax Furniture Finish is hands down our favourite finishing product to use on our painted pieces. This solvent-free wax is made with care, by hand in small batches…and smells just like honey!


Beeswax Facts

  • Beeswax is used to seal surfaces painted with porous or chalk based furniture paints

  • There are 3 different Mango Paint beeswax colours to choose from—Natural, Antique & Black


The classic “Natural” beeswax finish is an absolute must-have! This pigment free wax is the perfect finish to apply to seal and protect you painted furniture with a gorgeous subtle sheen.

Check out this awesome Mango Paint natural beeswax tutorial video, loaded with some great tips!

Valerie & Antique Beeswax

Valerie & Antique Beeswax

The “Antique” beeswax finish is a warm, rich brown pigmented wax. Antique beeswax is perfect to apply on a painted piece was lots of intricate details or texture to create a beautiful rustic look.

Make sure you also check out the Mango Paint antique beeswax tutorial!

Similar to the Antique beeswax, the “Black” beeswax finish is perfect to apply on a painted piece to add some dimension and richness.

Valerie & Black Beeswax

Valerie & Black Beeswax

We love to use the Antique and Black beeswax on dark tones such as Noah and Lillian to intensify and richen the colour…trust us, you’ll LOVE it too!

Beeswax Myths

  • Beeswax is difficult to apply

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Our favourite technique for applying the beeswax is with a lint free t-shirt cloth…we all have an old shirt or 2 laying around right?!

Just dip your cloth into the beeswax and wipe it onto your painted furniture in a manageable sized area. Wipe off the excess with a soft lint free cloth. Move onto the next area of furniture and repeat.

Easy peasy!


When working with the Antique or Black beeswax, using a natural bristle brush is ideal— especially for getting all that beautiful pigment into the details of your piece!

Ok busy bees, stay safe and stay inspired!

As always, I am here to help! Feel free to email me with any project questions or inspiration—I genuinely love hearing from you!

[email protected]


Happy Painting!
