What'cha Workin' on Wednesday?!?

Wednesday's are for sharing! Thank you for sending me all of your beautiful pictures! 

Look at this buffet - it's gorgeous! This was a first time project for Angela and her husband and I think they did a fantastic job! After a quick tutorial in my studio, they tackled this buffet as a team and the results show it. Using both the natural and the french caffeine beeswax to mildly antique this piece was key to keeping it look bright and clean while also enhancing all the gorgeous details. Great work!


I know, I know, you want to see the 'before' on this one . . . . what a transformation!

I wish all of you could meet Coralee! This girl has a cottage full of 'previously loved' furniture, a love for colour and the inspiration and ambition to take it all on! Sweet Coralee took a workshop at Mango Reclaimed a few weeks ago and hasn't stopped painting since. I just love how bright and colourful her cottage is becoming . . . maybe she'll invite all of us up there one day?

Last but definitely not least, check out this awesome dresser restyled by Zack. Using van Gogh paint and Liquid Metals - I love how heavily distressed this piece is . . . it's got some edge. The mercury knobs really set the piece off. Great job Zack - thanks for sharing!


As always, thank YOU for sharing your projects with me - I love showing off all your hard work and creativity!

If you have restyled something in your home using products from Mango Reclaimed and want to be featured on What'cha workin' on Wednesday?!?, please e-mail your before and after pictures to [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you!