Studio 5 year anniversary recap!

Thank you!!!

From the bottom of my heart - thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of Mango Reclaimed with us!

Team Mango worked hard for weeks ahead to pretty up the studio and fill it with as much colour and inspiration as we could!

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All of our paint cabinets were fully stocked (as they usually are)!

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We had 250 ‘Mango’ tote bags to hand out as guests arrived - we just made it to the end of the day before running out!

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Our raffle prizes were definitely a huge hit!

These jars were seriously overflowing with raffle tickets by the end of the day!

Congratulations again to our winners!

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I can not say enough about this amazing team of people! I am so thankful to have such a supportive, enthusiastic awesome team! Allie, Jocelyn, Karen, Raymond, Linda (my mom), Nick (my dad), & Christina (my sister) - these people really made the day the success that it was! If you stopped by I hope you got the chance to speak with some of them!

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How about them balloons, lol?!?

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We painted a dresser to really showcase what a ‘before’ and ‘after’ can look like! This is still on display in our studio if you want to stop by and have a look! Is it crazy that 5 years into this business and I’m still impressed by furniture makeovers, lol!?!

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We gave out ‘gifts with purchase’ all day long - and we had some really good ones to give out!!

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If you stopped by to celebrate with us, did you get a chance to check out our second workshop space?

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We opened up our workshop area to showcase some of the upcoming classes we have! We also raffled off a beautiful blanket ladder & a $100 gift certificate thanks to Nikki from Build Like a Girl Canada!

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Thank you so much for coming!!

We hope you had a good time!

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