What'cha Workin' on Wednesday?!?

Hi there friends! 

It's that time of the week again - my favourite day to share all the great projects you have been working on! I think we should just go ahead and call this weeks post: 'kitchen makeover Wednesday' - boy do we have some great restyles to show you this week!

First up this week is a kitchenette restyled by Danaka. Can I let you in on a secret? Danaka has never used our paints before! After visiting our studio for some tips and advice, she picked up a can of Billowing Sails from our van Gogh paint line to try her hand at restyling a hall table. . . .

well my friends, the project looked so great when she was done that she carried on to paint her kitchen table and chairs! Have a look:

This set looks beautiful! I can't believe Danaka was a first timer! I'm so glad she had faith in herself to tackle these projects! Let's have a look at her table and chairs 'before':

It's a cute set, but painting out the wood in Billowing Sails just completely lightened and brightened her whole space! Great job Danaka - thank you so much for sharing with us!

Oh! And let's have a look at the sweet hall table that was truly her first project:

Can you believe she painted all of these pieces with just one can of van Gogh paint??

Proud of you Danaka and thankful that you shared with us! Your discount is waiting :)

Next up this week Joy did a fantastic job transforming this little dining set! She used Fusion Mineral paint in Homestead blue on the chairs and a soft white for the table! New bold and colourful fabric on the seats really pulls the look together! Great job Joy - thank you so much for sharing!

I really love that rich colour on those chairs!

Here's a look at Joy's chairs 'before', they were cute - but dated. The new look is fantastic!

Thanks again for sharing Joy - your discount is waiting!

Next up this week is a project that Laura completed a little while ago. She also used Fusion Mineral paint to transform a kitchen set. How beautiful is this table and chairs all restyled in Champlain??

Great job Laura - thanks for sharing with us! 

Let's have a quick look at her table and chairs 'before':

The whole kitchen set looks so much fresher with this soft white added to the mix!

Beautiful work! 

Thank you so much to everyone for sending in their pictures! Can't wait to see what you do next!

And don't forget - if you are featured on our Wednesday blog you we will have a 10% discount waiting for you at the studio (valid for 30 days)! It's so easy you guys! All you have to do is e-mail your before and after pictures to: [email protected]

Don't even worry if you were too excited to start your project that you forgot to take a 'before' picture, lol! It happens all the time - we get it - you're excited! Just send us your 'afters' - cause we know they look great! :)

Don't forget! We have extended our studio hours! We are now open Wednesdays noon to 8pm, Thursdays and Fridays noon to 5pm and Saturdays 10am to 4pm.

See you soon! :)