What'cha Workin' on Wednesday?!?

Happy Wednesday!!

Let's take a look at what'cha been workin' on, shall we?

First up this week is a beautiful restyle using Miss Mustard Seed's Milk paint. Lee did a great job (as always) transforming this piece and filling it with character. The 'dried lavender' and 'ironstone' make a perfect combination - it's so cute!

There is a lot of 'chippy goodness' happening on this piece - which makes it look really authentically barn aged. I love the addition of chicken wire! Such beautiful work Lee - thanks for sharing!!

Here's a peak at the 'before':

Next up this week is a set of dining chairs restyled by Carole and Amy using van Gogh Fossil paint in 'Revenge'. You can never go wrong with classic black!

Isn't that new fabric just perfect for these chairs??

Here's a pic of the dining room with all the beautifully restyled chairs:

Here are some images of the chairs 'before' - they really needed this makeover! Great job Carole & Amy! Thanks so much for sharing!

Let's end on a super cheerful note this week with this restyled kids desk! Andrea didn't shy away from colour on this one and I love the result! What little kid wouldn't love to call this their desk?!?

Such a happy little desk.

Thanks for sharing Andrea!

As always, thank YOU for sharing your projects with me - I love showing off all your hard work and creativity!

If you have restyled something in your home using products from Mango Reclaimed and want to be featured on What'cha workin' on Wednesday?!?, please e-mail your before and after pictures to [email protected].

Looking forward to hearing from you!

We love to share what you do!

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