Happy Holidays!!!

Oh the weather outside is weather . . . seriously though, where is the snow already, lol?!?

As Christmas is quickly approaching I want to take a moment to wish you and yours all the very best over this holiday season. I hope you have plans to enjoy time with those you love and the opportunity to savor each moment together!

This is also a friendly reminder that your last shopping day at Mango Reclaimed for 2015 will be this coming Saturday December 19th, from noon to 4pm!

With that in mind, if you are even half as excited as my son Colton is lately . . . then you're super, mega, big time excited for the coming holidays, lol!

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I mean, not only is Christmas around the corner, but he's also turning 4 on December 23rd! Things really couldn't get any more exciting at our house! So, in honour of all the excitement, Mango Reclaimed will be closed to celebrate family and holidays from December 20th through to January 5th. We will reopen for business on January 6th.

Thank you so much to all of you who have supported Mango Reclaimed throughout 2015! It has been a great year and I am so thankful to have so much support and encouragement as I work away at this dream business of mine. 

Happy Holidays to you and yours - can't wait to see you again in 2016!