what'cha Workin' on Wednesday?!?

Happy Wednesday! Let's share!

Wow! Cathy is one talented lady! Can you believe that she made these bookcases herself?! I love that! While attending a workshop on how to build her own bookcases, Cathy drove past Mango Reclaimed and found out she could take another workshop and learn about how to use Miss Mustard Seed's Milk paint to paint her newly made bookcases. . . and here they are! Great job Cathy - I'm so proud of you!!

There is no 'before' picture of Cathy's bookcases because it would just be a picture of a pile of wood, lol.

Danielle did a great job restyling this little cupboard using van Gogh's Morning Mist. It looks so much better! Thanks for sharing Danielle!

These two lovely ladies both joined me for 'studio time/paint your piece' workshops where they worked on their own pieces that they brought in. Heather's table looks great now that it's painted in van Gogh's 'Muse', and the collection of 'Cashmere' items look great too. Thanks for sharing your time with me ladies!

As always, thank YOU for sharing your projects with me - I love showing off all your hard work and creativity!

If you have restyled something in your home using products from Mango Reclaimed and want to be featured on What'cha workin' on Wednesday?!?, please e-mail your before and after pictures to [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you!