Have you saved the date yet?!? Saturday October 25th from noon to 4pm Mango Reclaimed will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe it has already been a whole year. . .
I have some exciting news to share about our event! Very talented and stylish Leslie Appleton of The Inspiration Nest will be here doing a free demonstration on how to set the perfect table for the holiday season. Some of her inspirational vision looks like this:
see more at: www.facebook.com/theinspirationnest
AND!! Sweet and talented Caron from Cocoa Lane Sweeterie will also be here offering up tasty treats for sampling as well as delicious pies and treats for sale. Just to whet your appetite . . .check out some images of her work:
Can you believe that her baked goods taste as good as they look? So delicious - so beautiful - that's a dangerous combination :)
I'm so excited to have these ladies joining me on such a special day for Mango Reclaimed - I hope you will join us too! See you on October 25th!